Pediatric Restorative Dentistry – Northampton, MA | Amherst, MA | Greenfield, MA

Quick Fixes for Growing Smiles

Despite everyone’s best efforts, it’s still fairly common for children to develop cavities or chipped/broken teeth. Fortunately, if your child ever needs a little (or a lot) of smile repair, our Treehouse Pediatric Dentistry team is ready to provide a custom solution that will make their teeth look like nothing was ever wrong with them. Just give us a call to discuss their restorative dentistry options or if you’re ready to schedule an appointment.

Why Choose Treehouse Pediatric Dentistry for Restorative Dentistry?

  • Restorations Made with Non-Toxic, Tooth-Colored Materials
  • Practice Led by Board-Certified Pediatric Dentists
  • Warm & Friendly Dental Team

Dental Crowns

Pediatric dentist holding dental crown on their finger

A dental crown, sometimes called a cap, is a tooth-shaped covering that is placed directly over a severely decayed, broken, or fragile tooth. It not only restores its appearance, but also strengthens it to prevent further damage. Instead of using metal dental crowns that instantly stick out in the smile, we use porcelain, which can be shaded to perfectly match your child’s teeth so they can show off their pearly whites with confidence.

Tooth-Colored Fillings

Animated tooth with a tooth colored filling

Tooth-colored fillings can make cavities practically disappear in just one appointment. Using composite resin, we can replace the damaged portion of enamel with a strong and durable substance that is specially designed to blend into your child’s smile. Our fillings contain no metal or mercury, which means there is less temperature sensitivity and a much lower likelihood of cracking over time.

Learn More About Tooth-Colored Fillings