4 Tips for a Healthy Smile While Stuck at Home

April 4, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — treehouseped @ 3:09 am

We live in unusual times as we practice social distancing to combat the spread of COVID-19. With many families slowing down and spending more time at home, it’s easy for your child to break habits they have developed throughout the school year. One area that can suffer is your child’s smile. There’s no need to worry. Your pediatric dentist in Northampton has 4 tips to keep their smile healthy while they are stuck at home.

How to Protect Your Child’s Smile

Although your child’s primary teeth are only in place for a few short years, they serve an important role. They not only act as placeholders, but they also allow your child to learn how to chew and speak correctly. If a tooth is lost too soon, it can have lasting complications for their oral health and development. With the current COVID-19 concerns, the last thing you need to worry about is unnecessary dental problems. You can ensure their smile thrives until they can see their dentist again using these simple tips:

  1. Stick to a routine.

It’s easy for your child to break their daily routine as they stay up late watching movies and sleep in every morning. Unfortunately, this can cause your child to forget simple responsibilities, like brushing or flossing. Although their lifestyle is a little more relaxed, be sure they maintain their daily oral hygiene routine.

2. Limit sugary snacks and treats.

When your child is home all day, they have easier access to sweet treats and sugary snacks. They are fine to have in moderation, but it’s tempting for your child to overindulge while they are out of school. Don’t put your child’s smile at risk of decay. Instead of chips, candy, and cookies, offer healthy alternatives, like low-fat cheese, celery sticks, or apple slices.

3. Encourage plenty of water.

Water is important for more than just staying hydrated. It also cleanses your child’s teeth in between brushing and flossing. It’s best to encourage them to drink water over sodas and juices. It will reduce harmful bacteria lingering on their teeth and help prevent tooth decay.

4. Wear an athletic mouthguard.

Many children are heading outdoors to ride their bikes or play sports. Just as their helmet is an essential piece of protection, so is an athletic mouthguard. It protects them from oral injuries if there’s trauma to the face or mouth.

Nurture a Healthy Smile

With many dental offices closed, it’s more important than ever to commit to your child’s oral health until their dentist reopens. You can nurture their dental health at home to give their smile the foundation it needs to thrive.

About Northampton Pediatric Dentistry, PC

Northampton Pediatric Dentistry, PC is committed to creating healthy smiles that last. Our team teaches the importance of oral hygiene from a young age to protect the teeth and gums from preventable issues. Although we live in uncertain times, we are here for our patients. If you have a question about your child’s oral hygiene habits, contact our office today.

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