3 Smile-Friendly Stocking Stuffers

December 21, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — treehouseped @ 12:46 am

Besides the bright lights and thoughtful gifts, all children look forward to waking up to their stocking on Christmas morning. As you pick little toys and treats, your pediatric dentist in Northampton has a few tips to choose smile-friendly stocking stuffers. You can help encourage a commitment to their dental health while also keeping their smile healthy through the holidays.

1. Fun Toothbrushes

Your child’s toothbrush needs to be replaced at least every 2-3 months. You can ensure your child has a new brush ready to use by including one in their stocking. There are many great options that can help keep brushing fun, like electric models. Children often prefer them to manual ones because they have many cool features, like lights and music. When picking the ideal toothbrush, don’t forget to consider the size of your child’s mouth. It’s also best to choose one that has soft bristles to avoid causing any unnecessary damage to their smile.

2. Awesome Dental Products

Besides a toothbrush, you can find fun-flavored flosses and toothpastes to include in their stocking. When choosing the products, look for those that have earned the American Dental Association’s Seal of Approval, like floss. Standard floss comes in many flavors to make flossing feel like less of a chore. If they have difficulty using a traditional floss, consider getting flossers, which can be easier for small hands to use.

You can also include mouthwash to help combat bacteria left behind by their toothbrush and floss; however, if your child is under the age of 6, it’s best to choose something else, like flavored toothpaste. You can ensure they begin the new year with everything they need to care for their teeth and gums at home.

3. Healthy Snacks

When packing their stocking, skip the sweet treats. Instead, choose healthier snacks, like sugar-free gum and nuts. If you do include candy, chocolate is better than hard or chewy candies because it is easier to remove from their teeth to help prevent tooth decay. Don’t forget to have your child brush their teeth well after eating anything sweet. In addition, they will also need to brush in the morning and before going to bed to ensure cavity-causing bacteria aren’t left on their teeth. Be sure they floss between each tooth at night to remove any accumulations missed by their toothbrush.

Promote a Healthy Smile

Your child’s stocking provides the perfect opportunity to teach the importance of oral hygiene. Adding a few dental products is a great way to make them excited to brush and floss their teeth. Don’t forget to schedule their second hygiene appointment before the end of the year.

About Northampton Pediatric Dentistry

Our office is committed to nurturing young smiles to support lasting oral health. We focus on prevention to keep your child’s teeth and gums healthy. Besides preventive visits, we’ll also help you promote a healthy smile at home with the right oral hygiene products. If you have any questions or need to schedule an appointment, contact our office today.

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