5 Tips to Avoid Summer-Related Dental Emergencies

June 24, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — treehouseped @ 5:44 pm

Summer is finally here, which means plenty of time traveling for vacations, family get-togethers, and beach trips. You’ve made several preparations for your journey, but a dental emergency probably wasn’t on your list. Although there’s never a good time for your child to need urgent dental attention if it happens when you’re away from home, it can ruin their summer plans. While you can’t completely stop a dental emergency from interrupting their day, here are 5 tips to lower the risk of an unexpected visit to their pediatric dentist.

1. Schedule a Preventive Visit

Many dental emergencies are caused by an untreated oral health problem, like tooth decay. Even a small cavity can cause a toothache. A quick trip to the dentist can safeguard your child’s smile to ensure nothing disrupts their summer vacation. Their dentist will perform a cleaning and checkup to fix any dental concerns that might lead to a big problem down the road.

2. Enforce Pool Safety

Swimming pool accidents are a leading cause of dental emergencies. Your child might hit their mouth on a ledge or slip on a wet pool deck, which can result in broken, loose, or knocked-out teeth. Diving into a shallow area of water can also cause significant injuries. You don’t have to skip pools to keep your child’s smile safe. Instead, enforce pool safety rules, such as no running or diving.

3. Wear an Athletic Mouthguard

Besides swimming pools, sports can also lead to serious dental emergencies. An athletic mouthguard is a simple way to protect their teeth, gums, and oral structures. It can even lessen the severity of a concussion. The custom-fit device creates a layer of protection to absorb the force of the impact to minimize the likeliness of a chipped, broken, or knocked-out tooth.

4. Choose Healthy Snacks

You don’t want summer treats to leave a lasting mark on your child’s smile. Limit their consumption of sugary foods and drinks. It’s always best to choose healthy snacks and water. If they indulge in their sweet tooth, encourage brushing and flossing to keep their smile cavity-free.

5. Prepare an Emergency Kit

No matter how many precautions you take, you can’t always prevent dental emergencies, so it’s a good idea to bring an oral health kit with you on your travels. The kit should include gauze, saline solution, a small container, and handkerchiefs. Don’t forget to pack their dental insurance card and dentist’s phone number just in case.

Promote Healthy Smiles for Summer

You and your family can enjoy every minute of summer without worrying about an unplanned trip to the dentist. A few simple changes can save your child a lot of time in the dental chair.

About Dr. Marie Tremblay

Dr. Tremblay earned her dental degree at the University of Montreal before continuing her training in pediatric dentistry. As a Diplomate of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry, she is a trusted choice for pediatric dental care. If you have a dental emergency, don’t wait. Contact our office for an appointment.

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