5 Kid-Friendly New Year’s Resolutions for a Healthy Smile

January 3, 2022

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2022 is here, which means you’re setting goals for yourself and your family for the year. As you plan to spend more time together, cut back on expenses, or eat healthier, make sure your child’s smile is also on your New Year’s resolutions list. You can sit down with your child to establish their own resolutions to keep their smile healthy. You’ll give them a reason to be excited next time they see their pediatric dentist in Greenfield. Here are 5 resolutions to encourage healthy smiles at home.

1. Commit to Brushing Twice Daily

Children often view brushing as a chore; however, it’s their first line of defense against preventable issues, like tooth decay or gum disease. If your child tends to skip brushing before bed or rushes through their oral hygiene routine, challenge them to make a few improvements. Encourage your child to brush their teeth at least twice a day for 2 full minutes. You can make it a fun experience by allowing them to choose a new toothbrush. Consider using an electric model with a built-in timer to make it easier for them to reach their goals.

2. Floss Every Night

Around the age of 5 or 6, your child’s teeth begin moving closer together, which means it’s time to introduce flossing. It can take young children some time to develop the right techniques, so you’ll want to supervise them. If they have difficulty with traditional floss, consider flossers or a waterflosser to make nightly flossing easier.

3. Choose Healthy Snacks

Children love their sweets and treats; however, they significantly increase the risk of tooth decay. While discussing their New Year’s resolutions, explain the effects that sugar can have on their smile. Create a list of healthy snacks they can replace with sugary foods and drinks, like yogurt, low-fat cheese, or nuts. With the right education and a list of options, they can develop the foundation they need to maintain a healthy mouth and body for a lifetime.

4.  Maintain Routine Dental Appointments

Besides caring for their teeth and gums at home, regular cleanings and checkups are equally important for a healthy smile. Research shows children who receive early dental care are more likely to commit to their routine appointments as an adult.

5. Drink More Water

Water is important for staying hydrated, but it’s also crucial for your child’s smile. Water keeps their mouth moist to limit the growth of harmful oral bacteria. It also cleanses the teeth in between brushing and flossing to combat tooth decay.

You and your family can reach optimal oral health in 2022 for generations of healthy, beautiful smiles that last.

About Dr. Marie Tremblay

Dr. Tremblay earned her dental degree at the University of Montreal and continued her training in pediatric dentistry. She is a Diplomate and active member of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry. She offers the compassionate care young smiles need. If it’s time for your child’s next cleaning and checkup, contact our office today to schedule an appointment.

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