When Can You Expect Baby Teeth to Erupt/Fall Out?

March 14, 2021

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From the moment your child is born, you eagerly await their first baby tooth to break through the surface of their gums. After all their baby teeth have emerged, the excitement begins again as you anticipate their first visit from the Tooth Fairy. Although every child differs, there are certain stages of development when you can expect their baby teeth to erupt or fall out. Your pediatric dentist in Greenfield has the information you need to ensure your child’s smile is on track.

When to Expect Baby Teeth to Erupt

Your child’s primary teeth are only in place for a few short years, but they are influential to their oral health and development. They allow them to learn how to chew and speak correctly while also acting as placeholders for the permanent teeth.

Typically, the first teeth appear from the gums around 6 months of age. Usually, the bottom central incisors erupt, followed by the top four incisors. Over the next 1 ½ to 2 years, the teeth will slowly begin to fill in the rest of the mouth. Generally, you can expect them to appear in pairs. By the time your child is 3 years old, they should have 20 primary teeth.

When to Expect Baby Teeth to Fall Out

Your child’s first loose tooth is an important milestone in their oral development. Most children lose their bottom front teeth, and then the top two around the age of 6. Often, the teeth are lost in the order they came in. Most children are finished losing their baby teeth by the age of 13. As their teeth begin to fall out, it’s time to schedule a consultation with their orthodontist. Although it might seem a bit young, early intervention can lessen the need for a lengthy treatment down the road.

Invest in a Healthy Smile

You can help set the foundation for a lifelong commitment to their oral health by introducing your child to an oral hygiene routine before their first tooth erupts. Use a soft cloth to wipe their gums twice daily. As their baby teeth emerge, introduce a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Clean all surfaces of their teeth for at least 2 minutes in the morning and at night. Around the age of 6, the spaces between their teeth will close, which is when it’s time to begin nightly flossing.

Besides caring for their teeth and gums at home, your child should see their dentist for the first time before they turn one year old. Their dentist will promote the health and development of their beautiful smile through a personalized treatment plan as they grow.

About Dr. Marie Tremblay

Dr. Tremblay earned her dental degree at the University of Montreal. She continued her training in Pediatric Dentistry and is a Diplomat of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry. She provides the compassionate care young smiles need to thrive. If it’s time for your child’s cleaning and checkup, contact our office today to schedule an appointment.

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