4 Ways to Celebrate Children’s Dental Health Month

February 26, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — treehouseped @ 9:32 pm

February is National Children’s Dental Health Month to create awareness about pediatric dental hygiene to promote healthy young smiles. With tooth decay still the most chronic childhood disease, despite being preventable, you can use the month as an opportunity to discuss the importance of good brushing and flossing habits with your little one. You can celebrate together and nurture your child’s lifelong commitment to their dental health with 4 new oral hygiene products. 

1. Electric Toothbrush

Let’s face it, children don’t have the best brushing habits. Whether pushing too hard, not brushing long enough, or skipping it altogether, an electric toothbrush can help your child improve their brushing routine for a cleaner smile. 

An electric toothbrush offers more brush strokes per minute for a thorough clean. Many also come with certain features, like timers, pressure sensors, and lights. Your child can choose the perfect toothbrush that will make them look forward to brushing their teeth.

2. Oral Irrigator

As the spaces between your child’s primary teeth close, flossing is just as important as brushing. However, traditional floss can be difficult for small hands to use. An oral irrigator can keep their gums healthy without the battle.

A gentle stream of water rinses away food particles and plaque your little one missed when brushing. It can clean the most hard-to-reach places to promote healthy gums. 

3. Flavorful Mouthwash

If your child is over the age of 6 years old, they may benefit from a daily mouthwash to combat cavity-causing bacteria. They come in many flavors, so they can choose their favorite. Look for one that has earned the American Dental Association’s Seal of Acceptance, which means it has undergone testing for safety and effectiveness when used correctly. 

4. Sugarless Gum

Limiting sugary treats is essential for cavity prevention, but your child may disagree with cutting out sweets. You can satisfy their sweet tooth with sugarless gum. Their dentist will approve because gum chewing increases saliva production to keep their mouth clean in between brushing and flossing.

Commit to Regular Dental Care

Good oral hygiene at home is only half the care your child needs for a cavity-free smile. After their first birthday, they should see their pediatric dentist every 6 months for a cleaning and checkups. Regular dental care is invaluable to your child’s oral health and development.

Routine dental cleanings remove plaque and tartar buildup. Their dentist will monitor their teeth and gums to safeguard their smile from preventive issues, like cavities. They can also provide fluoride treatments and dental sealants to make their teeth more resistant to decay. When combined with the right products and habits at home, your child will have everything they need for a cavity-free smile.

About Dr. Marie Tremblay

Dr. Tremblay earned her dental degree at the University of Montreal and continued her training to focus on pediatric dentistry. She is a proud member of many professional organizations, including the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Request an appointment through our website or call (413) 779-3136.

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