5 Smile-Friendly Stocking Stuffers

December 24, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — treehouseped @ 4:17 am

Close up of stockings hung on mantelBefore you can cross holiday shopping off your to-do list, you need to find the perfect stocking stuffers for your little one. You could go the traditional route with candy, cookies, and other sweet treats, but it can result in bad news the next time your child visits their dentist. Instead, here are 5 amazing tooth-friendly stocking ideas that your child will love.

1. Electric Toothbrush

Tooth decay is the most prevalent chronic condition for children in America, despite being almost 100% preventable. Young children have an increased risk of cavities for many reasons, like improper brushing habits. If your little one rushes through brushing, an electric toothbrush can help make up for their shortcomings. It offers more brush strokes per minute than a traditional toothbrush. Many also come with special features, like a timer or pressure sensor, to allow your child to develop better brushing habits.

2. Flavored Floss

Around the age of 6, children should learn to floss their teeth daily to keep their gums healthy. If traditional floss is too difficult for your child’s small hands, dental flossers can make the task easier. Your child will look forward to flossing with different flavor options for floss or flossers.

3. Sugarless Gum

You don’t have to worry about your child being disappointed when peaking into their stocking when gifting sugarless gum. It’s a better option than candy and cookies because it doesn’t contain cavity-causing sugar. It also encourages saliva production to keep your child’s mouth clean between brushing and flossing. 

4. Tooth Fairy Pillow

If you expect your little one to get a visit from the Tooth Fairy soon, a small pillow or box will add anticipation for your child. They’ll have a safe place to keep lost teeth while waiting for the Tooth Fairy to arrive. 

5. Sports Mouthguard

A sports mouthguard is a perfect gift for the little athlete in your life. It will provide a protective barrier for your child’s teeth and oral structures to protect their smile if there’s an accident or injury while participating in their favorite activity. It can also lessen the risk of jaw injuries and concussions. 

The holidays don’t have to come back to haunt your child’s dental health. With fun stocking stuffers and good oral hygiene, they’ll have healthy teeth and gums to feel their best during the season. Don’t forget to schedule their semi-annual cleaning and checkup with their pediatric dentist. 

About Dr. Marie Tremblay

Dr. Tremblay achieved her dental degree from the University of Montreal and continued her education at Tufts University, focusing on pediatric dentistry. She is a diplomate of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry and an active member of the American Academy of Pediatrics Dentistry. Request an appointment through her website.

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