4 of the Best Dental Products for Children

February 6, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — treehouseped @ 6:50 pm

Did you know February is National Children’s Dental Health Month? Every year, dental professionals throughout the country strive to raise awareness about the importance of dental care for children. Besides cleaning and checkups, their home oral hygiene routine is invaluable to supporting the health and development of young smiles. As you discuss the importance of brushing and flossing, celebrate the month with your child by shopping for new dental products. Here are 4 of the best oral hygiene products designed for little smiles.


Promote Academic Success with a Healthy Smile

August 6, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — treehouseped @ 5:03 am

Believe it or not, it’s already time for your children to head back to the classroom. You want to ensure they have everything they need to succeed, but that involves more than just purchasing school supplies. Besides pens and pencils, a healthy smile is equally important. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry reports 50% of children will have at least 1 cavity before the age of 5. Often, this can lead to an unplanned trip to your pediatric dentist in Northampton. According to the Office of the Surgeon General, more than 51 million school hours are lost annually from dental issues, like toothaches. Here are 4 tips to keep your child in the classroom and out of the dental chair.


5 Smile-Friendly Stocking Stuffers

December 13, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — treehouseped @ 7:43 pm

The holiday season is an exciting time of the year for children. Besides the bright lights, colorful decorations, and carefully wrapped gifts, children also look forward to looking in their stockings on Christmas morning. Although they are often loaded with sweet treats, your pediatric dentist recommends you think twice about grabbing candies and cookies. Instead, here are 5 teeth-friendly stocking stuffers your child will love.


Spot the Signs of Childhood Tooth Decay

February 12, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , — treehouseped @ 5:27 pm

As a parent, you strive to teach your child proper oral hygiene habits to promote a healthy, beautiful smile. Despite your best efforts, there may be a hidden danger lurking in your child’s mouth—tooth decay. Cavities are the most common chronic childhood disease. In fact, it is 5 times more likely than asthma. While they often occur, they are easily preventable and treatable when caught in the early stages. Unfortunately, it may not always be obvious to tell when your child has a cavity. However, you can help to spot the warning signs with simple tips.
