Your Pediatric Dentist in Amherst Helps With Dental Fears

July 17, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — treehouseped @ 11:19 pm

Your pediatric dentist in Amherst plays an invaluable role in the health and development of your child’s teeth over the years. While regular care is vital, it is not always easy. Young children have unique comfort levels. Often, they can be fearful of the dentist, making it almost impossible to get them to go to their appointment without a struggle. At Northampton Pediatric Dentistry, we understand they have specific comfort needs. We cater to our young patients to help them feel at ease so they have no reason to fear their visits to our office, and here’s how we do it.


Start Summer with a Healthy Smile with Your Pediatric Dentist in Amherst

May 29, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — treehouseped @ 1:50 am

Now that the school year has ended and you start making plans for summer vacation, do not forget to schedule your child’s semi-annual dental appointment. Children need to see their pediatric dentist in Amherst every six months for a cleaning and checkup. While many people tend to believe that the primary teeth do not require dental care, they set the foundation for your child’s dental health in the future. They must receive regular care from a dentist to ensure they develop and maintain a healthy smile. With summer upon us, now is the perfect time to schedule their preventive appointment.


Tips to Choose a Pediatric Dentist in Amherst

November 2, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — treehouseped @ 6:15 pm

When it comes to choosing a pediatric dentist in Amherst, you have a lot of options. However, making the final choice as to the dentist who will care for your children is no easy decision. You need a dentist who offers the comprehensive care your children need through all stages of development, while also making them feel comfortable and relaxed. As a children’s dentist in Amherst, we understand the challenge ahead of you. We want you to make the best choice for your children because the dentist you choose will be by their side for many years to come. We have the tips you need to help make the selection a bit easier to ensure you make an educated decision.


When Must a Child See a Pediatric Dentist in Northampton and Amherst?

September 12, 2016

Your pediatric dentist in Northampton and Amherst believes a child’s first dental visit establishes a lifetime of healthy smiles. Dr. Marie Tremblay and Dr. Europa Yang have excellent professional skills and chairside manners, helping kids and parents enjoy their dental care.


Children’s Dentist in Amherst Urges Schooltime Exams

August 8, 2016

Parents, it’s so important to continue with routine oral exams and hygienic cleanings throughout the year with children’s dentists in Amherst, Dr. Marie Tremblay and Dr. Europa Yang. Oral health depends on  at-home hygiene practices and consistent preventive care at the dentist’s office.
