Pediatric Dentist in Amherst has Healthy Snacks for Children

January 26, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — treehouseped @ 5:36 pm

You take great pride in making smart choices for your children to grow up with strong and healthy teeth. You teach the importance of oral hygiene and take them to the dentist regularly. However, you may be overlooking one vital area—the foods and drinks they consume. We have all heard the saying, “you are what you eat.” Well, the saying is true when it comes to your child’s teeth. The snacks your children eat could either hurt or help their oral development. As your pediatric dentist in Amherst, we are here to help you protect your children’s teeth with healthy snacks.


Pediatric Dentist in Amherst Discusses Importance of Flossing

December 12, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — treehouseped @ 8:55 pm

Flossing is not anyone’s idea of fun, especially young children. As parents, it is often a battle to get your child to floss their teeth. Due to a recent article stating that flossing may not be as effective as once thought, you may find yourself wondering if you are fighting a pointless battle. Despite the recent claims from the Associated Press article, daily flossing should still be a part of your child’s oral hygiene routine. As a pediatric dentist in Amherst, we recommend children floss their teeth each day to prevent gum disease and tooth decay.


When Must a Child See a Pediatric Dentist in Northampton and Amherst?

September 12, 2016

Your pediatric dentist in Northampton and Amherst believes a child’s first dental visit establishes a lifetime of healthy smiles. Dr. Marie Tremblay and Dr. Europa Yang have excellent professional skills and chairside manners, helping kids and parents enjoy their dental care.
